Late Minoan Jar ca. 1450-1400 bceLate Minoan Jar ca. 1450-1400 bce

Pat Wilde

Marine Geologist and Research Oceanographer

1735 Highland Place #28 Berkeley, California 94709 Phone: 1-(510) 841-4721 E-Mail:

dans ce meilleur des mondes possibles, ... il fallait dire que tout est au mieux: Dr. Pangloss 1751


SCIENCEA Guyot is a flat-topped seamountVITA + MISCELLANEOUS
Text with figures of Selected Publications

Oceanographic Maps and Data Sets

Oceanographic Tool Box

Geological Tool Box

Marine Sciences Group Black Shale Chemical Data

Experimental Interactive Oceanographic Tables etc.

DOWNLOADABLE links to Zipped: Black Shale Data:
Redox Profiles by Climate; and Iterative BLAG model

Relatively brief biography

Bio-Bibliography including list of published references

University of California, Berkeley

HEL Reports
Misc. Reports
Class Notes

Berlin Diary 1989-1990

Asia Ocean Info (1991-1996) from ONR-ASIA

Science Info Bulletin
review articles from Japan